Penn State, PA That place sounds like a prison... for pigs. Dunno why. Stone Cold Steven gets to the ring and in spite of the expanding jelly roll, he managed to heft himself up on each turnbuckle. I bet he grunted and oof-ed and uuugh-ed each time he hefted. To put more strain on his aching, bloated self, he kept talking and walking around the ring. Steve, take it easy, we don't want you to pop an aorta.
There were many other signs that confirmed our fears. People aren't even writing in comprehendable English anymore. They're creating another language. It's like that episode of Twilight Zone where this dude woke up one day to find everyone using words in sentences where it didn't belong. He eventually had to learn the 'English' language all over again. In a way, this is happening right now as we speak. We have the surfacing or resurfacing of languages such as Ebonics, Gibberish, Catch Phrase and the never dying ever popular, Stupid. Previously on Smackdown, in the HHH vs Austin match, Vince accidentally (or did he??) (insert accusatory, detective music here) hit Austin with the belt. Now Stevie beckons Vinnie out so he can do some 'splainin'. Vince's mic isn't working so Stevie takes it and chucks it into the audience. I was waiting for some audience member to scream bloody murder when the mic conked him right on the noggin. I bet the mic would have worked at that specific moment and the whole arena would hear this person's wail, 'Ouch! MY EYE! You bald bastard!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!'
By the way, why is a building called a building when it's already built? Something to think about courtesy of Gallagher. (Why do they call it a parkway if you drive on it... BC) Vinnie insists that it was an accident so he appoints himself guest ref for Survivor Series. The Rock comes out.
The Roody Poo from the Black Lagoon. Rockula. Return of the Living Rock. Nightmare on Jabroni Street. Nightmare on Jabroni Street 2. When a Rock Calls. When a Rock Calls Back. I grew up watching horror movies in the confines of my own home! Movie titles included 'Mother', 'Father', 'Mother & Father', 'My Beehive Sportin' Grandma'. Vinnie's second mic doesn't work either so Austin threw that into the audience and I'm sure it clocked someone in the head as well. Stevie is doing pretty good. So far he's killed two people in the audience.
NAO enter the ring. 'Your ass better call somebody,' Dogg says. Hey Dogg, when are you going to accept the fact that the ass DOESN'TKNOWHOWTOUSEAPHONE! Okay? Can't you just accept that fact? These impossible demands are just too trying on my inhuman condition. Sheesh. They all sport their marketable DX hat AKA the Gilligan hat, now AKA the F-Troop hat. I guess Road Dogg is now Agarn Dogg and Billy Butt is Calamity Jane sans bouffant.
NAO vs. Mankind and Al for the tag titles. Mick and Al lose the match due to Venis' interference and NAO are once again the tag champs.
Next SCENE! Godfather found himself more Stepford Hoes! I think they can open up a wig shop.
Godfather vs. Venis. GF offers the hoes to Venis, who was about to take them, but opted to attack GF instead. Uh.. does Venis still get the hoes? Anyways, Venis attacks and we figure he's yelling, 'Try these bony ankles! I'll impale you with these spicules that I call my legs!' Lawler wonders why Venis didn't take the hoes. Obviously they're not his type. They're female and they're not inflatable. Actually, I think he'd have a better time with his own hand than those girls. I mean, they're kinda defective. They don't even have real hair. They're like the bologna in the finicky market of coldcuts. Mick interferes in this match and that's the end of that. Non sequitur moment here.
I think they said the wedding will be at Staples Arena. You know, one huge staple remover and that arena will go down in one big pile. Who's the architectural genius who thought of constructing that built? Testes says that he's not only got a great girl, but a great family. They also have some healthy, respectable, beautiful, intelligent wealth. 'BACK UP THE BRINKS TRUCKS!!' Garcia is in the ring. She announces that Big Daddy Show passed away and services will be this weekend.. at the end of the week. So, at the end of the week.. at week's end this week, the end of that.. not next week but this week.. will be the services. Thanks. The 10 bell salute is sounded but Big Bossy interferes. Apparently, he's written a poem for Big Daddy. How nice. Being such a good fella, I'm sure he wrote a poem for his dog that died when it was run over by another dog (please see past Raw reports if you don't understand that sentence). Anyways, I bet his poem went something like this: (for full
effect, this must be recited in a hayseed accent): Wow, he's better than Lautremont ever was. Kurt Angle segment. One word. BOYWHATABORE. Edge and Christian and Headbangers vs. Bulldog and the Pisse. Hey, what's up with Christian's ass leech? (It's so gelatinous!... BC) I feel like having two, round, firm bowls of jello right now. Mm, black raspberry. I do believe Edge/ Christian and Headbangers won but I was somewhat distracted by thoughts of jello.
For crying out loud, I need to get in on it! Anyways, Patterson is really sticking it to DX in this argument. He screamed a really bullying, 'hey hey hey hey hey!' You tell them! You you you you.. Good thing they stopped the footage when they did because he was two seconds from a head bursting, 'YEEEAH!!!' An Earlier Today segment. Jericho is at Beaver Stadium and in true immature goofball fashion, he takes a poke at the word 'beaver'. Hell, I would never resort to such childish buffoonery. Hell, I even work by a Beaver Street and when someone asks for certain directions, I say, 'Just go down on Beaver ' and I laugh not once! I laugh twice AND I chuckle but that's beside the point. Also one of our attorneys' surname is Hymen. (I just got a call today from Dickburger (Dick Berger)... BC) But never shall you find me enthralled in such goofishness as bringing up such perverse innuendos. NEVAH! Anyways, does Beaver stadium have winter bush right now? There's some rumor going around about the WWF's discontent with Chris. The funniest thing written was he was asked to lose weight. (get ready for my sarcastic tirade)
People = annoying. I suppose it's human nature to demand so much of others but never themselves. That is why they have all the time to criticize and tell people what they should do instead of actually going OUT there and doing it themselves. In the long run, they just end up sounding really bitter. Mad Phat tends to experience this from time to time but I always say, 'We do this because it keeps us happy and satisfied and it makes us laugh. If there are people who want to come along for the ride, more power to all of us. Everyone, just have fun.' Now, Rock and Austin didn't get to their status in just FOUR months, right? In order for someone to perform to their full potential and get over with the crowd, they need the time to get used to the program (which includes all the people involved) and vice versa. It never happens overnight. Chris says, 'if Chyna has the balls.. and she looks like it..' Of course, the two balls are her boobs. She's got Big Balls.. Dirty Big Balls.. Oh dear. AC/DC.
X vs. Rock. First we get a glimpse of the Rock's 'Sexiest Man' photo session. Dude, I hope you were aware that you were posing with a rock. Well, good thing it wasn't a Playgirl shoot because that poor rock would have been so violated. Well, this photo shoot is about as exciting as some people's bedroom activities so leave it to Mad Phat to put a little gusto, gumbo and two cents in. Hell, two cents is all I can give because we recently invested in the Mad Phat So Coo automobile. This means my lunches will consist of savory, succulent, rich, exquisite ... tuna sandwiches.
GASP in horror as he falls off the rock. Sorry, we don't actually have a clip of that but it could have happened. The chances of that happening are definitely possible if I was there to actually push him off, of course. Besides, if I say it happened, it did because this is the internet and everything that's reported is true. Now I guarantee you there will be people in the business who will deny EVERYTHING, but the fact that I am able to predict that means that I am speaking the truth. AH-HAH!! If I KNOW what they're going to say, it means that I KNOW what I'm saying.. and I'm saying.. I lost track. (I'm following you.... BC) Oh, wait, the Rock photo session isn't even done yet.
Okay, enough of that childishness. There's a match going on here. What's wrong with you, Bostin?
Joey Styles summed it up perfectly in one of his columns when he said there are people who seem intent on taking the 'fun' out of wrestling.
Jericho runs in and destroys the party. He and Chyna end up rolling around in the ring and JR exclaims, 'Something's very wrong here.' I don't see anything wrong. I only see that Chyna is a smart girl and she knows how to get the jollies. (Oh look, she's rolling a fattie... BC)
Sheesh. Hey, Serial Hugger Garea is in the ring!! This is his moment to shine as we chant, 'HUG HUG HUG HUG!' With all that humanity in there, he goes for the creme de la creme, which is Jericho. Well, if he tried to hug Chyna, her boobs would get in the way and his fingers would get as far as her shoulders. It's just not the same. Eventually, Chyna makes a mad dash and leapt onto Chris. I told you she knows how to get her jollies. SMART GIRL!
What makes him the deadliest type of Serial Hugger is the fact that he can't stand it when people run away from him. It leaves him yearning for more. He covets.. and coveting is what makes people insane with rage, jealousy, need, desperation on top of indigestion and screaming diarrhea.
Wow, Chris is definitely the man. Kewpie Ref wants to kiss him now. Okay, this is getting out of control and most importantly, why the FRAG am I not in there? In the immortal words of Margaret Cho (as her mother), 'THEY NEVER GIVE ME A CHAAAAANCE!!!' Anyways, they all want a piece of Jericho. Can't figure out why considering he's so fat. Sheesh. Aculytes are in a bar watching this on the telly. Mr. Coo Simmons says, 'Look at Jericho, he's hitting a girl. That's no way to treat a lady.' Some boobette approaches them and Bradshaw shows us the correct way to treat a lady. Avert the eyes and talk to the boobs. Hell, that's how I speak to Bostin. What. Bossman vs. Kane. Tori watches the match on the monitor backstage. Okay guys, I know we've got many wrestlers in storyland limbo and this one takes the big cake and cinnamon rolls. In the least, I hope they don't end up like those douchy couples that dress alike. Kane in a Giger-esque catsuit might throw many people off.
Too Cool vs. Hollys. Hollys win. What. The rednecks in the bar are now poking fun of wrestling saying Too Cool are not cool. Hey, you know what? They sound like.. wrestling fans in the prime of intelligent speak.
Bar fight. Brad leaves with the girl. Hey, Mr. Coo doesn't get a chick? Vinnie is on his way to the ring. JR says, "There's Vince walking with a purpose..' Vince is probably thinking, 'I have a purpose.. My purpose is to sit by that bell.. and .. ring it.. ring it purposefully.' I wonder if his purpose is the same as Steve Martin's character, The Jerk. HHH vs. Testes. Since the McMahon swarm is making this match difficult for HHH, Lawler screams, 'It's 3 on 1!' No no no, you mean 4 on 1. You forgot to mention Testes' log.
It seems that Testes is about to win but the Titantron footage comes up and Dogg is leading the camera to a room where DX members are holding (supposedly) Steph by the legs. (It looked like.... well... you know that thing you do to a baby when it's got gas, where you hold onto his feet and pedal its legs so he can fart? ... Maxwoman) Yes, yes. They were indeed trying to make Steph fart. That would have been detrimental to her character and it would be the ultimate revenge against Vince. We smart, we on the ball. Now where's Jericho?